Monday, July 4, 2016

After Final Benghazi Report, It's Time We Demand Corrupt Republicans are Investigated

After Final Benghazi Report, It's Time We Demand Corrupt Republicans are Investigated

"We’ve had Rep. Trey Gowdy recently admit that the investigation was pointless; an ex-investigator (who was picked by the GOP) said that this was a “partisan investigation” specifically meant to slander Clinton; Rep. Richard Hanna (R-NV) publicly stated that the investigation was “designed to go after people and an individual, Hillary Clinton; while Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) flat-out admitted that it was meant to hurt Clinton’s polling numbers. So, with all of this evidence clearly indicating that this was a partisan witch hunt, I think it’s abundantly clear that the GOP just wasted millions of taxpayer dollars on absolutely nothing. Could you imagine what Republicans would be saying if Democrats were being accused of wasting nearly four years and millions of taxpayer dollars on investigations meant to do nothing more than attack one of their presidential candidates? They would be absolutely losing their minds. And just for the record, we’ve already had seven investigations into Benghazi (not including this last one) – five that have been led by Republicans – which have all essentially concluded that there was some level of fault on all sides, including embassy officials, though it’s unlikely anything could have prevented what happened. The most recent House Select Committee on Benghazi that released this report is actually just a follow-up to the last Republican-led investigation that concluded around Thanksgiving of 2014 which found no wrongdoing linked to Clinton. Nearly as soon as that investigation was completed, John Boehner, who was Speaker of the House at the time, announced that another committee would be put together at the start of this year to do the same damn thing they had just done. This has all been so completely ridiculous. In my opinion, the American people have the right to demand answers for why millions of their tax dollars were wasted on what was ultimately nothing more than a partisan attack exploiting the deaths of four Americans"