Monday, July 4, 2016

Bill Maher Crushes Republican BS, Proves Liberal Economic Policies Work: 'Scoreboard, B*tches!' (Video)

Bill Maher Crushes Republican BS, Proves Liberal Economic Policies Work: 'Scoreboard, B*tches!' (Video)

"Well, on Friday night, Bill Maher absolutely shredded trickle-down economics by pointing out that California’s economy is thriving following raising taxes on the rich, while two “red states” that massively cut taxes (Louisiana and Kansas) are in massive debt and are both an economic mess. Heck, a Democrat just became governor in very “red” Louisiana following eight years of Bobby Jindal running the state into the ground. Meanwhile, despite conservatives claiming that California raising taxes on the rich would make their economic problems worse, the state’s economy is one of the strongest in the country. “We did all the stuff conservatives warned us would make things even worse,” Maher quipped. “But the sky didn’t fall, unemployment did; and growth shot up to over four percent; and a 26 billion dollar deficit became an 11 billion dollar surplus.” Maher also brought up how the state’s economic mess from a few years ago followed years of Republican leadership, led by former Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. “After Arnold left office, we eliminated what scientists would call variables, in this case, the Republicans,” Maher stated. “Democrats from governor on down control every office and voting body in this state. So we can really study what happens when liberal policies are tried unimpeded. And the only thing I have to say to Republicans about that is: Scoreboard, b*tches.” And he’s absolutely right. Recently, Gov. Jerry Brown championed his state’s economic successes after raising taxes on the rich. Meanwhile, Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback is leading a state that’s seen nothing but economic turmoil since he passed his Republican-cheered tax cuts. Sound familiar? It should, because that’s basically the same promise George W. Bush made when he passed his tax cuts — and we all saw how that turned out. This notion that “tax cuts create jobs” is nothing but a scam perpetuated by the rich where, no matter if the economic is doing great or poorly, their answer to improve the economy will always be more tax cuts."