Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Kansas politicians use taxpayer money for private use of plane while state is in economic free fall

Kansas politicians use taxpayer money for private use of plane while state is in economic free fall

"Republican Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback, launched an “experiment” when he was elected in 2010 that has bankrupted the state’s economy. Applying the principles of Reaganomics or “trickle-down economics,” Brownback cut income taxes to historic lows, effectively slashing revenue to fund critical state services like schools and infrastructure. The result has been disastrous with a $1.1 billion budget hole. While Kansas families were struggling, schools were failing and the state was kicking people off food stamps, politicians were using taxpayer money for personal travel and to fly to see University of Kansas basketball games. According to the Associated Press, the state-owned executive aircraft, a Raytheon King Air 350, has been used by Brownback as well as Republican state senators, House members and agency heads."