Friday, July 1, 2016

Trey Gowdy Admits To Reporters The 'Clinton Lied, People Died' Bumper Stickers Were Wrong

Trey Gowdy Admits To Reporters The 'Clinton Lied, People Died' Bumper Stickers Were Wrong

"During a press conference today by the Republican committee members, Trey Gowdy was flustered into admitting that she was not responsible for the four tragic deaths on that horrible night. The reporter said, "..there are bumper stickers here are bumper stickers and t-shirts all over this country that say ‘Hillary Clinton lied, people died’ - is that true?" That question goes to the heart of why we've had so many investigations on the attack. It was all about destroying a political rival for the presidency. Rep. Gowdy replied, "You don’t see that t-shirt on me, and you've never seen that bumper sticker on any of my vehicles and you’ve never heard me comment on that"."