Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Trump Doesn't Think Voters Know What 'Xenophobe' Or 'Nativist' Means
"Trump's reaction was relayed by his supporter and Boston radio talk show host Howie Carr in a piece he wrote for the Boston Herald on Thursday. “Hillary’s called me a ‘xenophobe’ a few times," Trump said, according to Carr. "How many people even know what the word means? Same with ‘nativist.’ ” Carr made his own headlines Wednesday after he mocked Sen. Elizabeth Warren's (D-MA) Native American heritage by breaking into a mock war whoop while introducing Trump at a campaign rally in Maine. Carr also noted that after he did the faux war whoop, a Trump ally showed him a Politico story recapping his gesture. He wrote that Trump told him to not say sorry. “Whatever you do, don’t apologize,” Trump said, according to Carr. “You never hear me apologize, do you? That’s what killed Jimmy the Greek way back. Remember? He was doing okay ’til he said he was sorry"."