Monday, July 4, 2016

WATCH: Lewandowski defends Trump spamming foreign MPs for cash — and has another epic flameout

WATCH: Lewandowski defends Trump spamming foreign MPs for cash — and has another epic flameout

"In a segment on CNN’s New Day on Friday, Lewandowski tried to defend his former boss’s campaign after it repeatedly — and perhaps illegally — sent out fundraising emails to members of parliament in other countries, including the United Kingdom, Iceland and Australia. Specifically, Lewandowski tried to claim that the campaign sent out fundraising emails to anyone who had opted to receive emails from the Trump campaign. However, CNN’s Alisyn Camerota then pointed out that the MPs who received emails are angry because they never opted to get any messages from Trump’s campaign. While Lewandowski tried to keep repeating his talking points that the MPs must have opted to get messages from the Trump campaign, Camerota forcefully shot him down by reminding him that these MPs didn’t opt in at all. At that point, Lewandowski stammered as a classic “deer in the headlights” look washed over his face."