Wednesday, July 6, 2016

YIKES: Trump Campaign Manager, And Vladamir Putin BFF, Now Getting Intelligence Briefings

YIKES: Trump Campaign Manager, And Vladamir Putin BFF, Now Getting Intelligence Briefings

"Trump's campaign manager Paul Manafort has previously worked as a political henchman and spokesman for the world's most notorious tyrants, dictators and thugs. Seems a good fit - jumping into the Trump campaign from such esteemed social justice proponents as: Vladimir Putin, lover of all human rights, Mobutu Sese Seko, dictator of Zaire who hired Manafort for some image control, Sani Abacha, leader of Nigeria who hired Manafort's firm to bury reports of torture and Putinite Viktor Yanukovych, Ukrainian leader in need of a major PR reboot. Yes, this is the man that Trump feels best represents him. And since Trump is also a tyrannical, egotistical, narcissistic, bigoted, racist, torture proponent with no regard for rights of others, it seems a perfect fit. Today, in a shocking and scary turn of events, it is being reported that Manafort is being given full access to intelligence reports from the US Government. Yes, you read that right."