Saturday, July 21, 2012

This week in the War on Women: Republicans want to fight about lady parts some more? Okay.

This week in the War on Women: Republicans want to fight about lady parts some more? Okay.
"So. Attacking women's health has consistently been a losing issue for Republicans—especially, it seems, for Mitt Romney when it comes to lady swing voters. Even John "Aw, heck, just get me some broad, any broad, to be on my ticket" McCain said it was time to "respect the right of women to make choices in their lives and make that clear, and get back onto what the American people really care about." And for almost a full minute there, it seemed that Republicans were willing to put down the lady parts and step away slowly.But, it turns out hating women's health care is one heckuva tough habit to kick, and this week, Republicans fell off the wagon. Hard. So, since they still can't come up with any actual job solutions, and their plan to bring down the Obama administration by holding its members in contempt didn't pan out, they've gone back to beating up on ladies and their health care providers. Sure, it's bad for them, but you know how addicts are—they'll do just about anything for that cheap high, no matter who gets hurt."