Thursday, May 8, 2014

Want to Fight the Corporate Lobbyists like the Koch Bros.? Meet the People's Lobby
"Congress members were not the only ones this feisty coalition had a message for that day. The gabillionaire Koch brothers, Charles and David, feel entitled to occupy the people's elections, even local school board races, barging in with sacks full of corporate cash. So, how would the brothers feel if the people barged into their political affairs?
To find out, a few of these good citizens paid a visit to "Koch Companies Public Sector," the grandiose name the brothers give to their Washington, DC, lobbying headquarters strategically located just one block from the White House. From there, a covey of high-dollar, Koch-headed, sapsucker lobbyists flits all around town trying to get lawmakers to take away our Social Security, Medicare, minimum wage, etc. -- while also making sure that the two, "free-enterprise" proselytizers keep getting their billion-dollar-a-year package of government subsidies.
So, some "commoners" whose tax dollars subsidize the Koch industries empire came calling on the Kochs. OK, it was more than some -- more like 600."