Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Fox News is covering for the Duggars: With shifty language and half-truths, Fox chooses the side of a molester

Fox News is covering for the Duggars: With shifty language and half-truths, Fox chooses the side of a molester

"We now live in a nation where the conservative cable news network is spinning in support of a confessed child molester, as well as the people who tried to hide his actions. Fox News Channel has always been an egregious source for misinformation and GOP talking points. We all know this. It’s also been a powerful backstop whenever a Republican candidate commits one of many unforced errors — blurting out a ludicrous rape remark, or worse. However, in the past week, Fox News has crossed the zero-barrier between spinning for the GOP and into the realm of manufacturing phraseology and excuses for a Christian television family caught up in a sexual abuse scandal."