Wednesday, June 10, 2015

PERRspectives: The Supreme Irony of King v. Burwell

PERRspectives: The Supreme Irony of King v. Burwell

"But merely tallying up the ranks of the uninsured understates the magnitude of the health care horror story in Red State America. In its 2014 state health care scorecard, the Commonwealth Fund measured performance in providing health care access, prevention and treatment, avoidable hospital use, equity across income levels, and healthy lives for residents. Again, all of the top 10 performing states voted for Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012, 9 of the 10 cellar-dwellers backed Republican Mitt Romney. Texas, which then Governor and 2016 White House hopeful Rick Perry claimed in 2010 had the best health care system in the nation, is ranked a moribund 44th."