Saturday, October 31, 2015

She's supported the white supremacist group that inspired Dylann Roof, and she's up for re-election.
"An affiliate of the same white supremacist group that inspired Dylann Roof is up for reelection on Tuesday.
Mississippi State Senator Lydia Chassaniol was a confirmed member of a racist hate organization called the Council of Conservative Citizens (CCC) as recently as 2009. While she has refused to confirm or deny her membership more recently, she has not ever publicly disavowed or apologized for her active role in the organization.
If the Council of Conservative Citizens sounds familiar, it's probably because of Dylann Roof, the man who killed nine black people in a South Carolina church earlier this summer. The manifesto he wrote attempting to justify his crimes credited CCC for his anti-black views.
There is nothing subtle or inferential about it: The Council of Conservative Citizen is an explicit white supremacist group."