Sunday, December 4, 2016

Paul Ryan's Medicare Plan Hinges on American Stupidity. Prove Him Wrong.
"You may recall that C-Plus Augustus—having been re-elected by a margin of 35 electoral votes in 2004, and I didn't remember that it had been that close—decided that he had accrued enough "political capital" to monkey around with Social Security. That attempt got body-slammed and its defeat started the downward spiral of his approval ratings from which he never recovered fully. This same thing should happen as regards any attempt by Speaker Paul Ryan, the zombie-eyed granny starver from the state of Wisconsin, to enact his golden dream of demolishing safety-net programs that he believes make old people with Medicare less "free" than old people who slowly waste away in darkened apartments. His idea is to set up a program with criminally inadequate vouchers, slap the name "Medicare" on it, and hope that people are as stupid as he thinks they are. There is every indication that HHS nominee Rep. Tom Price is more than willing to play Johnny Hooker to Ryan's Henry Gondorff."