Monday, August 20, 2012

Romney, Ryan and Rape: A Todd Akin Special Delivery

Romney, Ryan and Rape: A Todd Akin Special Delivery
"The real problem here for the Republican campaign, however, is Paul Ryan. Mr. Ryan joined forces with Mr. Akin in 2011, co-sponsoring a bill with him to redefine the definition of rape through legislation aimed at changing the working term to "forcible rape," as a means of annihilating the rape and incest exemptions that currently exist in abortion law. The attempt died a swift death in Congress, but the intention could not be more clear...and the driving force behind it was the Dynamic Duo of Todd "Legitimate Rape" Akin and Paul "Forcible Rape" Ryan.
Mitt Romney chose Paul Ryan as his running mate to shore up his standing with the GOP base. Fine and good, but now that he has donned the Tea Party mask, he owns everything Ryan brings with him, including Ryan's appalling partnership with Todd Akin, and their despicable attempt to legislate a new definition of rape as something other than rape."