Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Scott Brown's radical Senate candidates stand with Akin to redefine rape

Scott Brown's radical Senate candidates stand with Akin to redefine rape
"You probably also won't be surprised to find out all of these representatives were cosponsors of the infamous HR 3, the "No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act." You know that one, the one that says there's only really one kind of rape, "forcible" rape, and you can't get an abortion unless you can prove that you were the victim of rape-rape, not one of those other kinds of rape that you might have really enjoyed. With the added bonus that the IRS would actually have to audit your abortion to determine whether your abortion was because of rape or incest.
That's where Scott Brown's loyalties lie, and that's who Scott Brown wants with him in the Senate. In a word, his fellow Republicans."